Friday, March 30, 2012

Last Hoorah!

crab ravioli in cream sauce

I took out some beef and sausage from the freezer on Tuesday night with the intention of making beef and sausage ravioli.  What I ended up making that night was crab ravioli and crab pot stickers.  I put half of the ricotta in the crab mixture and the other half in another bowl for the beef and sausage ravioli.  I started making the crab ravioli and I was not about to stand there in the kitchen for 3 hours making ravioli all night.  I scrapped the beef and sausage ravioli idea.  My first batch turned out to be a hot mess.  I miss calculated how long it would take to boil the ravioli.  I took the ravioli out and set them aside while I was making the white wine cream sauce.  The raviolis stuck together and tore apart.  When the sauce was about finished cooking I put in the second batch of ravioli and they turned out perfect.  Then I realized I cooked enough sauce for just one serving and I didn't want to  make them again, I took the ravioli and pan fried them in some oil and voila! You have crab pot stickers.  I took the pot stickers to work the next day and they were gone in 10 minutes flat.

This may be the last really decadent meal posted for a minute.  I have started my "look good in a wedding dress" diet and Josh has agreed to eat what I eat (for now).  This is the last hoorah!  My posts for the next month or so will consist of what I ate that day that was healthy and low carb and a daily progress report of my diet.  Isn't it funny how I just made a big deal about how I don't have a theme and how I don't cook healthy.  Look where this blog is headed.  Funny how life changes everyday!

Crab mixture of ricotta cheese and crab
Place the mixture in a won ton wrapper.
( I didn't make my own dough, it was a Tuesday for heaven's sake!)
Brush around the edges with water and place another won ton wrapper on top.
Saute some garlic in olive oil and place mushrooms and spinach in pan until tender. 
Put 1/2 cup white wine and 1/4 cup heavy cream.  Salt and pepper.
And there you have Crab Ravioli!

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